Monday, June 4, 2007

weird days...must be resulting in the past full moon...

Well it has been a long ass time since I did one of these but I figured its a good way to vent and such so that I dont evenutally explode...
So all is well on the homefront minus my grandmother being admitted to the hospital suddenly on friday afternoon due to stomach aches that she has had since leaving FL and GA before coming up here for a 3 week normally I would feel bad and such but she let the symtoms go by the wayside and is upset that the summer tour that my grandparents do every summer is delayed due to recovery time needed. I am sorry that she got sick but I have a feeling that an operation that is scheduled for 5:30pm tonight could've been prevented. The weekend was going quite well up until Al(my boyfriend) started not feeling well on Saturday night after we parted ways for the evening. Which in his case I feel bad he is uncomfortable when he doesnt feel well only because he works himself stupid and if he just took one day a week to relax a lot of his illnesses could be prevented but i he texted me telling me he was coughin up blood and to a normal person this would send them straight to a hospital but no not my guy he thinks it is nothing and will go away...i personally think he has a phobia of i had to deal with him not feeling well and being jealous that I was still out on the town and not being miserable as well...So I figured that he would no longer being coming to hear Maggie Speaks the following day and he was cranky which of course wears on a person that has to hear the crankiness so I got a bit bitchy not because he was being cranky but because once again all of this could be prevented had he went to a hospital or even just called his doctor the night before when this all started. So I just told him I would talk to him the next day and to call if he really needed something...such as a ride to the hospital. So then I got a lovely text at 3:30am waking me up that he was going to the hospital, I asked if he wanted me to meet him but he you think i went back to sleep? yeah that took about another 3 hours for me to fall asleep again...lovely! Now he is currently texting me that he finally held some food down and wants a beer...i take that as a sign of feeling better but i dont think he should actually be drinkin a beer until the results from the hospital come in. So i will update on the two when I know whats going on...